Iniciativy a nástroje EU jako odpověď k dopadu ruské vojenské agrese na Ukrajině
FIEC has a seat in the Industrial Forum set up by the European Commission and in this respect we have been asked to disseminate information about some initiatives and tools that have been developed at EU level as a response to the impact of Russia’s military aggression in Ukraine.
First and foremost, we would like to remind you that the survey on disruptions in supply chains is still open, and its results will be presented at the next EUClustersTalks on the 30th March at 08h30, which we encourage you to register to. This survey aims at providing a clear view of the type of supply chain disruptions that your stakeholders are facing, as well as their intensity and where they are happening. Only in this manner the EU Institutions will be able to shape possible responses in a targeted, informed manner.
(Účelem tohoto průzkumu (dotazník v AJ) je zachytit tyto signály narušených dodavatelských řetězců ze země, aby bylo možné předvídat a hledat řešení. Je určena všem zúčastněným stranám EU, zejména však podnikatelské komunitě.
Další uzávěrka pro analýzu výsledků je v úterý 29. března v 16:00 SEČ. Anketa zůstane otevřená a další termín uzávěrky oznámíme.)
On a similar note, we would also like to remind you that the Enterprise Europe Network’s Supply Chain Resilience Platform is also up and running, as a tool to facilitate unexplored connections between business partners and help them retain, restructure or replace existing supply chains, or source essential inputs for their production. Another useful initiative is the Enterprise Europe Network’s “The EU and Enterprise Europe Network support to Ukraine”, which is replete with up-to-date information about the EU’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on various fronts (including on sanctions against Russia, the response to the high number of people fleeing the war in Ukraine, State Aid, competition law, etc.).
Finally, as previously explained, the EU Clusters Support Ukraine platform has been launched, in order to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid to Ukraine through the coordination between offers, needs, and logistics. Populating this forum with offers for supplies and logistics is a clear-cut way to support Ukraine and respond to Ukrainian companies’ needs, and therefore, we thank you in advance for your efforts in spreading the message about it.
(Informace o spuštění platforma EU Clusters Support Ukraine s cílem usnadnit dodávky humanitární pomoci Ukrajině prostřednictvím koordinace mezi nabídkami, potřebami a logistikou. Naplnění tohoto fóra nabídkami dodávek a logistiky je jasný způsob, jak podpořit Ukrajinu a reagovat na potřeby ukrajinských společností)
zdroj: FIEC